Commercial Pest Control
Vector 1 provides reliable and timely pest control service to Businesses, Cities, Schools, Water Districts, DOT, and Homeowner’s Associations both in Central Texas and North Texas.
Vector 1 provides essential safety instructions for Cities, Water Districts, and school employees who come into contact with bees and wasps.

Covered Pests
Insects: Ants, Fire Ants, Carpenter Ants, Scorpions, Spiders, Cockroaches, German Cockroaches, American Cockroaches, Beetles, Pantry Pests, Earwigs and Pincher Bugs, Centipedes, Millipedes, Termites, Subterranean Termites, Wood Destroying Insects (WDI), Bed Bugs and more!
Animals: Rodents, Rats, Mice, Squirrels, Raccoons, Opossums, Ringtail Cats, Snakes.
- General Pest Control
- One Shot Pest Control Services
- Pest Control Maintenance
- Regular Pest Control Programs
- Termite Inspections
- Termite Treatments
- Termite Pre-Construction Treatments
- WDI Reports